Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Top 10 Fat Burning Tips

Losing body fat is not difficult. Participating in daily physical activity can leave certain areas of your body fat, such as your waist, thighs, hips, and armpits, because of your food choices. Here are some tips to help you burn fat whether you're physically active or not. We suggest body transformation tips to help you burn unwanted fat in your body.

 Top fat burning tips:

 Green tea: Drink two cups of green tea daily to burn fat and reduce cancer risk. Green tea is rich in catechins, which boost metabolism and boost the production of brain chemicals.


 Fill your body with protein: To achieve the lean body you want, eat 3 ounces of lean meat, protein, nuts, and prefer low-fat yogurt. Add this to your daily diet. Protein-rich foods help you live longer and control your appetite.


Don't starve without eating: 
If you want to lose fat, eat regularly instead of skipping meals. Therefore, it is better to plan six meals a day. Each meal consists of a palm-sized source of protein, a palm-sized source of carbohydrates, a fist-sized portion of vegetables, and a tablespoon of spice. 

Try low GI foods: 
Incorporate low GI foods into your diet. Helps you burn fat faster. Keep in mind that only bad carbs need to be reduced to increase the fat burning effect.


Healthy Fats: 
Eat a high-fat diet. Helps you burn fat faster. Eating monounsaturated fats such as avocados, walnuts and olives not only lowers bad cholesterol but also helps burn fat faster. 


Drink lots of water: 
Drinking lots of water is good for your health and helps you lose fat. We recommend consuming 6-8 cups per day to burn more calories.


Avoid sugar: 
If you want to burn body fat, avoid sugar at all costs. Replace sugar with healthy sweets like veggies, protein, and cinnamon. Cinnamon stabilizes blood sugar and helps burn fat.


Choose solid foods instead of juice:
 Choose apples instead of apple juice. Juicing is good for your health, but if your goal is to burn fat, juice is not an option. Fruit is more beneficial than juice. Fruit helps you feel full more efficiently.

Include fish in your diet: 
Most fish are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. It helps keep your heart healthier and burn fat faster. Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids among other fish. However, avoid farmed salmon as it may increase your cancer risk. Apart from that, almost all fish are healthy and promote fat burning.


Sleep well: 
Getting enough sleep is very helpful in burning fat quickly and easily. Lack of sleep can alter hormone production and contribute to belly fat. This can nullify your entire fat-burning effort.


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