Friday 5 October 2012

Face Washing Tips

To wash the face is an easy task. Some people think that frequent washing of the face keeps the skin fresh and whiten the complexion.  Though there is some truth in it because by washing the face the dirt particles are removed as they accumulate. The skin cleansing   naturally affects the complexion.
But the repeated action of cleansing agents might bring the dryness, itching and sometimes the breakout of acne on the skin. So too much good things sometimes ends up at the bad. It is usually thought to wash the face twice a day is best for skin care. But actually the secret of washing the face lies in the type of the skin.  And the washing is done by considering the skin type as follows:

The dry skin needs to be washed only twice in a day because the skin is already dry and the use of soap or the facial wash take away the natural skin oils by cleansing the pores. As result of it the skin get more dry and peeling with cracking of the skin is apparent in dry skin after washing. So after the use of mild cleanser the skin should be moisturized properly to replenish the skin oils. Such skin also exfoliates after every two days so that the dead cells removed as they formed.

The faces wash for the normal skin also to be done twice or thrice a day. Once at the early morning and then after coming your job or getting free from house hold works and then at night before going to bed. At night the face washing is done after cleansing and removal of all face make up. At night after washing apply moisturizer for the youthful skin complexion.

This type of skin requires the frequent washing because the oily glands of the skin are hyper active and make the skin oily after sometime. If this oil is not wiped frequently it may clog the skin pores. At such type of skin the white heads or the black heads are seen. Which are nothing just the mixture of dead cells and excessive oils of the skin with dirt particles. after each facial wash toner is applied on the face to keep the skin oil free.

Tips to apply mascara

How to Apply Mascara...
There are a couple of ways to apply mascara. Although eye shadows define and dramatize your eyes, only your eyelashes are in a position to actually reflect colour into the eyes. So, to emphasize the colour of your eyes, you must frame them with an appropriate shade of mascara.
Step 1 - First look down and brush the top lashes from the roots downwards; then look up and brush the top lashes upwards. Then still looking up, brush colour on the lower lashes;
Step 2 - Wait a minute for them to dry, and similarly apply a second coat.
Step 3 - After applying the mascara, brush with a clean dry brush, to separate the lashes. You should not, however, have a lot of problem with sticking of your eye lashes if you're applying less than two coats.

Facial Hair removing tips

Female body does not look good with hair on body and face. However, they grow remarkably in some females. Know all the available hair removal treatment. Homemade remedies for facial hair and hair on other parts of the body are given. Try these facial and body hair removal tips that can be done at home using simple ingredients.

  1. Apply the paste of sugar, lemon and water on your face and leave it for 15 minutes. Then wash your face. It is very effective for your skin.
  2. Prepare a paste by taking one table spoon of lemon juice and four tea spoons of honey. Then apply it on your face in the direction of hair growth and leave it for 15 minutes. Clean your face. Apply two times in a week. It will keep your face fresh and remove the unwanted hair growth.
  3. Application of the mixture of turmeric powder and milk on the face is also a good hair removal home remedy.
  4. Make a paste with half corn flour, one tea spoon of sugar and an egg white. Apply it on your face and let it be dry. Wash your face with cold water.
  5. You can apply shaving method for instant hair removing. But in this process hair growth occur quickly.
  6. Tweezing is another method of hair removal, but it is little bit painful.
  7. You can use depilatory creams and gels on your skin for hair removing. But these are not suits in all skin. So skin test is essential before using these products.
  8. Waxing is good hair removal process. In this process hair does not grow quickly. It is good to apply hot or cold wax in every 4 to 6 weeks.
  9. Electrolysis is one of the permanent hair removal processes, where hair can be remove from the root.
  10. Laser is the other method of hair removing. But it is very expensive. If you are planning for laser then discuss with a good hair professional.

Tips for Dark Skin

Dark skin tends to scar and develops dark blemishes and marks. Dark skin is all about the hyperpigmentation of the skin. Hyperpigmentation occurs when certain skin cells release more pigment i.e. dark color. Dark skin can result from sun exosure and may sometimes occur from redness and bruising.

Darkening of the skin may be due to ” blueness ” is called cyanosis or purple skin. Certain chemicals and dietary items can also changes the skin color. Skin darkening or hyperpigmentation can be the symptom of severe diseases i.e. Addison’s disease and Scleroderma.

It doesn’t matter, what type of your skin is, but a universal tendency is that skin tends to darken when expose to sun. Dark skin protects against those skin cancers that are caused by mutations in skin cells induced by ultraviolet light. Due to having more pigment in dark skin, it can withstand exposure to the sun much better.

Dark skin prevents UV-A radiation from destroying the essential B vitamin folate. Folate is needed for the synthesis of DNA in dividing cells and too low levels of folate in pregnant women are associated with birth defects. A darker skin is more prone to scarring and hyperpigmentation. Dark skin protects vitamin B, it can lead to a vitamin D deficiency.

Tips for darker skin :

  • The regular use of sunscreen will prevent the skin from turning blotchy.
  • Exfoliate to remove dull, dead skin cells but test the product on a small patch of skin first.
  • Irritation may lead to disfiguring hyperpigmentation. The products that may irritates the dark skin includes: fragrance, alcohol, propylene glycol, dye and lanolin.
  • Dark-skinned people who live in less sun-intensive regions often lack Vitamin D.
  • For removing dirt, oil and makeup, always cleanse your skin. But avoid abrasive cleansers, which can irritate skin of color.
  • Cleansing too often or too roughly will harm the dark skin.
  • Avoid using home microdermabrasion and chemical peel kits too roughly. Use according to the directions and discontinue use if irritation occurs.

Mask For Pimples

-First of all, take a small jar and put in three tablespoons of corn flout and 2 oz green clay into it.

-Now, take one tablespoon of green clay and corn flour mixture in a bowl. Add one teaspoon or water and one drop each of chamomile, lavender, juniper and patchouli essential oils to the mixture to make a paste.

-Apply the resultant mixture over your face.

-Leave it on for about 20 minutes and then wash your face with lukewarm water.

-Use a good quality moisturizer to moisturize your facial skin.
    Use this clay mask recipe on a weekly basis to prevent and treat pimples. Increase your water intake to detoxify your body naturally. Also, include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet menu.

    Hair Removing tips

    Human body has hair all over, except for few areas. But face is a place where both men and women grow hair. People mostly think that only men have facial hair, which is not true, because women also have them. Both grow facial hair on a regular basis. But for women the hair mostly grows on the upper lip and around it, at the top of the nose in between the eyes or on the top of the shin. Women of course don’t like this thing to happen and want to remove their hair from these places as they think that spoils their beauty.

    There are easy ways to actually get rid of these unwanted hair. It is observed that after a woman has her menopause, these hair grow quicker. There are many products available in the market which helps solve this hair growing problem. But there are few things that you must keep in mind when buying or applying any of these products.

    The most important thing to know regarding your hair removal is that you must never under any circumstances shave your hair or use a razor on them. Men use razors to remove their facial hair and after every single shave off, their hair grow back thicker than previous ones. So you must not apply this method at all.

    A great and a simple way to get rid of these facial hair is through simply plucking them off, especially when you don’t have many hair on your face. Do this with the help of some tweezers and pull them out gently. But if you have a whole patch of hair to be plucked then don’t bother with this. Waxing is another useful way because it quickly removes the hair in an incredible manner. It is not a pricely method as well.

    There are many good ways such as these to remove your facial hair, depending on what way you decide to choose to remove them. But these surely are cheap and easy ways especially when you don’t have a lot of time to spend on such things.

    Tips for Facial and Hair Removing

    Tip 1 : Apply a mask of a paste made of sugar, lemon and water in the direction of hair growth. Rinse after 10-15 minutes. Apply twice a week.

    Tip 2 : Apply a mask of a mixture of 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice and 4 teaspoons honey in the direction of hair growth. Rinse after 10-15 minutes. Apply twice a week.

    Tip 3 : Take a handful of moisturizing milk or lotion n mix a pea-sized vitamin A cream, apply at bedtime and wash it off in the morning. Use it for 30 days.

    Tip 4 : To turn hair golden brown, apply before bedtime a paste of 2 teaspoon fresh lime juice and ½ teaspoon sugar, and wash it off in the morning, use it 3-4 times a week for 2 months.

    How to get rid of PIPMLES

    Here are few tips that help you in getting rid of pimples very swiftly and safely.

    • Never ever try to pinch, squeeze or pick at a pimple. This will not the solution as many people think by doing this they can pick out the root of infection but this only cause it to become redder and will spread the bacteria and oil that can cause it in the first place.

    •  If you are in need of quick fix then apply small amount of toothpaste on the affected area just before going to bed, this will help in soothing irritation and lessen the redness.

    • Lemon juice has miraculous power to reduce the creation of pimples as it contains dilute acid that eradicate bacteria and smoother your skin. Take a lemon cut into two halves and simply rub on your skin and get quicker and faster result.

    • Apply an ice cube to the pimple and hold it there about 1 to 2 minutes, this will help you to get rid of pimple swelling and redness that make it more bouncy on your face. It also reduces pain or inflammation that some time comes along it.

    Acne Home Treatment

    When fatty, oily materials clog the pores of the skin, an inflammation occurs, resulting to a chronic skin condition known as acne. Acne, if not immediately treated, can possibly result to permanent scarring on the face, neck, and back. 

    There are several ways of treating acne at home; the ones that are mentioned below are easily prepared and always available. Why not open the fridge and see what you can find in the vegetable compartment, chances are big, that you will find the ingredients needed for an effective natural remedy for acne. 

    1. Aloe Vera that is taken internally is effective in treating acne. Its juice can also be applied on skin areas that have acne. 

    2. Rose water mixed with sandalwood paste can also be applied on the face for 30 minutes before rinsing it off. 

    3. The paste from blended cucumber can be applied on the face and be left for about 30 minutes before rinsing. This serves as good refreshment for the skin, as well as an effective acne prevention cream. 

    4. Fresh garlic can be rubbed on the affected areas. Though this remedy can be pretty smelly, it has a very effective antiseptic property that will dry out acne. 

    5. Cumin seeds are also an effective treatment for acne. Paste produced from these seeds may be applied on the skin for about one hour before rinsing it off.

    6. Paste made from water and powdered Neem leaves can also be applied on the affected skin as an acne treatment.

    7. Lavender oil can also be directly applied to skin areas with acne. 

    8. Paste made from the mixture of vinegar and ground seeds of black cumin can also be applied to the skin to treat acne.

    9. Paste from the mixture of little water and ground orange peel can be applied on affected skin areas. 

    10. Cooked oatmeal can also be applied on the skin for about 15 minutes. Then wash off.

    11. The mixture of avocado paste and water can be a good facial wash.

    12. A warm bath with rosemary and blanch of nettle can also help in the reduction of acne.

    13. Egg white can also be an effective acne remedy when applied on the acne for at least 15 to 20 minutes. 

    14. Ground bay leaves that are blanched in water and are cooled afterwards can also be applied on the skin with acne.

    15. Lavender compresses can be used to relieve the inflammation of acne.

    16. You can blend the following fruit and vegetable: Peeled apple, half serving of cucumber, 1 tablespoon of yogurt and honey. The end-product can be applied on the skin for about 20 minutes before rinsing off with lukewarm water. This will reduce acne scars. 

    17. Paste from the mixture of powdered and roasted pomegranate and fresh lemon juice can be applied over blackheads, pimples, and acne. 

    18. Paste formed from water and fresh leaves of fenugreek can be applied overnight and rinsed off the next morning with lukewarm water.

    Remedies for acne that can be done at home are really easy to come up with. But to achieve best results, the appropriate supplementation of vitamins and minerals should be done as well.

    Remedies for Acne

    When you talk about home remedies for acne and pimple, your mind reverts to the natural ways of living. Wrong living is bound to give you wrong results. Natural growth of the human body and the resultant hormonal changes cause acne. Improper skin care and wrong food habits add fuel to the fire and worsen the conditions of acne.

    The great assurance about home remedies is that they are harmless and will not cause you any side effects. For every type of disease, a cure is provided by the Nature. Only you need to make self-assessment for what is good for you and what not. Some of the tried and trusted methods, since time immemorial, are:

    1. Take raw milk and grind nutmeg with it. This paste has genuine acne healing qualities. The cure is complete and no marks or scars are left on your face.
    2. Make a mixture of one teaspoon cinnamon powder and an equal quantity of lemon juice. and apply it softly on your face, especially the pimple affected area. You will get good results.
    3. Take three table spoons of pure honey and mix it with one teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Apply it on the pimples and let the paste remain there overnight. Wash it next morning with lukewarm water. Continue this operation for two weeks. Pimples will vanish for ever.
    4. Dry the orange peel and make its paste. Daub the paste on the pimples. You will have lots of relief in the acne and pimples condition.
    5. Garlic is a well known remedy for pimples. Crush garlic and apply fresh juice on and around the pimples. Regular application will solve the problem of pimples once for all,. No scars will be left on your face.
    6. Lime juice is used with many other combinations. Mix it with groundnut oil. This is a good treatment for blackheads and pimples.
    7. Mint juice does much more. The fresh juice applied overnight, takes care of stings, scabies,eczema and other skin infections.
    8. Wrinkles on your face may be inevitable at the old age, but why should you have them now? Make the paste of fresh fenugreek leaves and daub it on your face . Let it remain there for about 15 minutes. Wash the face with warm water. Along with wrinkles this will treat your pimples and blackheads.
    9. If you have a sharp attack of pimples and if they are swelling, apply the juice of raw papaya for good results.
    10. Now, one evergreen remedy for pimples. Mix rose water and lime juice in equal quantities. Apply profusely on the affected area. With lukewarm water wash it off, after 30 minutes. Pimples are bound to disappear and your skin will glow.

    Thursday 4 October 2012

    Tips for pimples

    Egg White And Lemon As Pimples Remedy

    You all know that acne can both be prevented and treated. Nature offers various benefits in the form of vitamins, minerals, fruits, vegetables and many other things. But, it is really good to know that effectiveness of egg whites and lemon juice for pimples is great and significant. There are several home remedies which include egg whites and lemon juice for acne treatment. The egg white is useful in treating acne as it minimizes the large pores and lemon juice is known to be rich in citric acid which in turn exfoliates the skin by making it acne free.

    Egg whites are normally rich in proteins and can be used as a mask to heal, cure and rebuild your skin. They are also useful in absorbing excess oil from the skin. It can also be used as a mild astringent.
    Crack an egg into a bowl and remove the yolk. Apply the beaten egg whites to your face after cleansing, for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off for getting an acne free skin which has no whiteheads and blackheads.
    You can also enjoy the benefits of lemon juice for pimple or acne treatment by applying fresh lemon juice with some mint on your face to get rid of your pimples. These two components act as natural treatment for your ugly pimples. So many people are applying egg whites and lemon juice for pimples eradication and they work.

    Wednesday 3 October 2012

    Water Malon Moisturizer

    Tarboze(water malon) paste    2 teaspoon
    Lemon Juice                            1 teaspoon

    Face per lagain 30 min tak phr dho len aur agar multani mitti jo kisi bhe health store say mil jati hy shamil karen aur usko mask kay tor per bhe istamal kar sakty hen

    UTI treatment in urdu

    Urinary Tract Infection

    Noshawar                 50 gm
    Raywand khatai      50 gm
    Safaid Zeera            50 gm
    Joakhar                   50 gm

    Tamam chezen achi tarha grind kar len aur subha sham 1-1 teaspoon lain